我非常高兴地欢迎你们来到开普菲尔学院! 学生生活, 由教务长管理的区域, we are focused on the education our students receive outside the classroom. Though we are mindful that academic life will be the core of the enterprise at CFA, 我们致力于学习持续的理念, is enhanced and is made meaningful beyond the threshold of the conventional classroom. Another word for this crucial “classroom outside the classroom” that we create is community. 我们在这里共同建立的社区对于学生们在CFA毕业后成为领导者的培训至关重要. 因此, your engagement and participation in community is an expectation rather than a mere afterthought.
学院杯是一项由不同年级的高年级学生组成的团队之间的智力和体育比赛的友好竞赛,是建立社区的一种方式,让学生能够认识所有年级的同龄人. Contests from previous years include: Flag Football, Trivia, March Madness and Poker tournaments. 如果班级成员在服务社区和参与学校及其他活动方面表现出色,也会获得分数. The winning “House” is one that earns the most points in a given school year, 赢得了“学院杯冠军”的称号,当然了, 夸耀的权利.
我们的学术团队由一位总教练领导,他会创建定期的练习课程,并在需要时引入内容专家. Each of our Academic teams compete regularly and have won numerous awards in each field.
数学团队: 数学团队是为喜欢探索的学生准备的 & 从数学中获得乐趣. Members are students who are at or above grade level in their high school math course & 享受与其他学生的竞争. 数学小组的练习包括解题 & discussing math problems to prepare for competitions throughout the school year. 我们的使命是为感兴趣的学生提供课堂之外的数学体验,并让他们接触到CFA之外的现有数学人才.
辩论队: CFA辩论队训练学生参加威尔明顿2小时半径范围内的地区辩论比赛. 学生可以选择参加公共论坛(2对2), 时事), 林肯·道格拉斯(1对1, 哲学/道德问题), 或国会(团体), 学生撰写立法并讨论辩论形式. Outside preparation is required as are team practices prior to tournaments. Tournaments are held on Saturdays from September through April; parents provide transportation and serve as judges. 参与者可以通过参加并成功参加四场辩论赛来获得荣誉学分.
国史日: National History Day®(NHD) is a 非营利性的 education organization based in College Park, Maryland. NHD提供为期一年的学术课程,每年吸引全球50多万中学生和高中生对感兴趣的历史主题进行原创性研究. 自1974年以来, NHD不断改善历史教育,为教育工作者提供专业发展机会和课程教材. NHD最大的项目是国家历史日竞赛,它鼓励全世界50多万名学生就自己选择的主题进行历史研究. 学生进入这些项目在地方和附属水平, with top students advancing to the National Contest at the University of Maryland at College Park.
青年与政府: 青年与政府(YAG)是由基督教青年会领导的模拟政府计划. Students participate in the 开普菲尔学院 Delegation and at the State Conference in Raleigh. There are a variety of roles available for students to participate in for conference, 包括立法, 司法, 行政部门, 还有媒体. 中国特许金融协会代表团由顾问团主席张丽娟女士率领. 卡普斯和当选的学生官员. 学生选择自己的角色, 获得会议材料的支持, 并跟上基督教青年会州立项目设定的最后期限. The CFA delegation meets approximately 1-2 times a month until the State Conference in February.
俱乐部 & 特别兴趣团体
Our 特别兴趣团体 are associations of two or more people united by a common interest or goal. A Special Interest Group exists for voluntary or charitable activities and focus around political, 宗教, 爱好和/或运动, 还有社会活动. 以下是俱乐部的样本清单.
大使: 学生大使是一群经过挑选的CFA学生,他们致力于积极推广开普菲尔学院. Student ambassadors serve as the official hosts and hostesses of the school, and are the first point of contact to many prospective visitors to the CFA campus each year. The goal of the Student Ambassador program is to educate prospective students, 家庭, 通过带领校园参观,向学校团体和公众介绍开普菲尔学院的项目、资源和学生生活, 以及各种招生和捐赠者培养活动. This privilege is available for application for the current student body in the 9th – 12th grade classes. 学生可以申请,然后被邀请参加这个项目. The Ambassadors serve as an essential component in the school’s total enrollment and public relations efforts.
汽车俱乐部: 建立一个社区,由对汽车感兴趣的人组成,想要结交有相同兴趣的朋友,或者帮助他们的学校和慈善机构.
β俱乐部: 全国贝塔俱乐部是最大的独立组织, 非营利性的, 美国的教育青年组织. And for more than 80 years, it has prepared today's students to be tomorrow's leaders. 促进学术成就的理想, 字符, 服务及领导中小学生.
广播俱乐部: 制作了一个由学生主导的新闻节目《冰球突破豪华版》.
CFA的骄傲: A group for LGBTQIA+ students and their allies to gather for fellowship and 服务 to our campus and community.
编码俱乐部: Enable the students to grasp the fundamentals of programming while also learning to collaborate with other students well; Give the students explore and experiment with the subject as a possible career path; Help students with in and out of course work, for people who are dedicated to the program/industry/career Enhance each of the members’ programming skills.
多样性俱乐部: 开展校内和校外服务,以促进CFA社区和大威明顿地区的参与.
恐惧: 每年,The FEAR都会努力推广学校精神. The FEAR设计了“精神衬衫”,赞助动员大会, 比赛欢呼, 并且是推动全校项目和活动的精神力量之一——会员要求:CFA精神, 大声, 创造性思维, 适当的欢呼和出席CFA比赛和活动.
麻烦俱乐部: FUSS俱乐部提供了一个热烈讨论的机会,从时事到学校关注的问题再到流行文化. Students propose topics and then vote on that month’s agenda via a monthly poll. 为谈话做准备是被鼓励的,但不是必须的.
学校顾问委员会主席: The purpose of the HOS Advisory Boards is to assist the Head of School to carry out more effectively its mission, which is to create a transforming educational experience for students focused on deep disciplinary knowledge; problem solving; 领导, 沟通, and interpersonal skills; and personal health and well-being.
高潮: Students can earn partial or full arts or elective credits through an independent study with High Tide magazine. An independent study with High Tide is similar to a magazine internship. Students will handle various responsibilities related to the production of the magazine, 包括(但不限于)策划比赛, 组织提交, 营销杂志, 策划特别活动, 设计问题. 需要High Tide学院顾问的批准.
即兴表演: 作为一个团队来创作即兴的场景和故事. To strengthen the skills of critical thinking, public speaking, teamwork, and so many more. 这个俱乐部的另一个好处是,它将提供急需的焦虑缓解和增加个人信心的参与者.
机器人俱乐部团队: 机器人、工程、竞赛、技术等.
年轻的民主党人: 组织选民登记运动, 参加集会, bring in guest speakers to talk to the student body on important issues. We are an outlet in which students who lean left on the political spectrum will be able to express their beliefs, 通过支持民主党.
年轻的共和党人: To generate interest in current political, economic, and social issues. To offer young politically minded students an opportunity for discussion, 辩论, 服务的机会, 并促进政治活动.
我们的荣誉社团为那些特别专注和从事某一领域的学生提供了通过指导课程和课外机会深入探索这些兴趣的机会. Honor societies promote the values of higher education; foster excellence in scholarship, 领导, 服务, and research; and adhere to the standards of honor society excellence. Students who successfully complete all requirements will graduate with distinction.
国际戏剧学会: The International Thespian Society is an honor society for theatre arts students. 获得终身戏剧会员资格, 九至十二年级的学生必须就读有活跃的剧团的学校,并完成足够数量和质量的戏剧艺术工作. 演员在入职后所做的工作可能会获得额外的荣誉. 大多数戏剧表演都持续到12年级. 毕业会员成为戏剧界校友.
全国荣誉学会: National Honor Society (NHS) membership is open to students in grades 10, 11, 根据就职典礼的日期,还有12个. 每年, 教师委员会根据国家荣誉协会制定的以下标准选择成员进入NHS,并从国家荣誉协会手册中摘录:奖学金, 领导, 服务, 和性格.
西班牙荣誉学会: The purpose of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica is to promote Hispanic culture, to enhance the knowledge of its members about Hispanic culture and share this knowledge with others; to encourage its members to participate in local and statewide events related to the Hispanic population and culture, and to provide opportunities for humanitarian efforts both locally and internationally.
每年秋季, the ninth grade class takes a day long adventure to Bald Head Island paddle boarding, 皮划艇, 骑着自行车在岛上探险, hearing from the Executive Director of the Bald Head Island Conservancy, 完成一项社区服务项目, 完成一次岛上寻宝游戏, 和同学建立友谊.
The annual sophomore class trip takes place at Falls Lake State Recreation Area outside of Durham, 北卡罗莱纳. 这次冒险包括三天两夜的露营和独木舟,为我们的学生提供了一个很好的机会,让他们作为一个班级变得更亲密. 学生将学习为他们的小组做饭, 使用指南针, 划一只装满装备的独木舟, 设置营地, 荒野与水上安全, and rely on each other to navigate challenges faced throughout the day. 学校管理人员和教师与国家户外探险教育代表中心合作,计划和执行这项活动.
Annually, the Junior Class travels to the Pisgah National Forest for the Junior Outdoor Expedition. 这次旅行包括徒步旅行和在野外露营,而学生们则随身携带他们所有的食物, 烹饪设备, 帐篷, 衣服, 还有睡袋. The trip provides daily 领导 opportunities for all students such as cooks for the day, 齿轮的组织者, 水化船员, 航海家, 和更多的. 这种共同的经历为班级创造了回忆,在他们高中毕业后的几年甚至几十年里都会被记住. 学校管理人员和教师与国家户外探险教育代表中心合作,计划和执行这项活动.
准备好了解更多? 冰球突破豪华版的招生团队 to schedule an in-person or virtual visit and see 开普菲尔学院 in action.